Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXI, No. 43
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“What do you think can be done to reduce alcohol-related incidents on college campuses?”

“One thing the deans at Princeton University do not do is say, ‘don't drink.’ They know students will drink so they do not insult the student's intelligence. The second thing is that they are starting to lean on the institutions, the eating clubs in particular, that encourage immoderate drinking. To root out institutionalized excesses you have to use an institution to do it.”

Bill Wachter, Flemington

“I would like to see more support for people who drink too much. I don't think that you can stop drinking on college campuses but I think that you can make it safe. My school has a dry campus which may keep things under control, like no wild parties, but that's about it. By more outreach to students, you can do a better job of avoiding major injuries.”

David Knauer, American University student

“It’s important to teach the freshman that they don’t have to drink all of the time. Freshmen come in and they don't have strong views on that and they can learn some bad habits. We have to work on breaking that cycle. If we could separate the classes somewhat we could reduce the peer pressure.”

Ned Wingreen and Luke, Patton Avenue

“We should train students as mentors, educated on alcohol abuse, who are not drinking themselves at parties. They should be stationed to keep an eye on things and try to help out or call for help as needed.”

Katharine Devaun, Mercer Road

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