Vol. LXI, No. 32
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Princeton Township Engineering Department announced last week that roadwork on Witherspoon Street between Leigh Avenue and Valley Road will begin this week starting with curb replacement where there are potential tripping hazards. That work is expected, weather permitting, to take about a week and a half, according to Township engineer Robert Kiser. Mr. Kiser added that the milling and repaving of that segment of the roadway "should" begin around August 17, with final paving occurring early morning, around 5 a.m., on August 20, also weather dependent. (MH)
In the aftermath of the freeway bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes called for the revitalization of a federally funded, state-run program that provides money for bridge and road maintenance. The state-run Transportation Trust Fund, launched in 1984 to fund local bridge and road projects, is functioning but "still falls well short of meeting local needs," Mr. Hughes said. Mercer County is home to 280 bridges under county jurisdiction, dozens under state jurisdiction, and 475 miles of roadways. Currently, the county receives $2.8 million a year in funding. "Even with the Transportation Trust Fund, it is apparent that local governments do not have sufficient funds to adequately maintain bridges and roads," Mr. Hughes said.