Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXI, No. 32
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

"With Princeton Borough and Township aiming for sustainable development, economy, and society, how 'sustainable' is your lifestyle?"

"We try to do a number of things: replace incandescent bulbs with lower energy florescent bulbs, wherever possible; we attempt to schedule errands together to minimize vehicle use; we buy locally produced produce when available; we minimize the use of plastic bags by carrying a canvas sack when we go to the grocery stores; and, when we travel to New York City, we use the train."

Bernie Miller, Deputy Mayor, Princeton Township, Governors Lane

"By conserving energy, we help the environment. I hang washed clothes, linens, and towels on a clothesline in my yard. I also use florescent lights, take short showers, turn off lights and turn off my computer when I'm not using it. I use printer paper sparingly. I have a composting area in my back yard, ride my bike whenever possible, and shop locally in Princeton, which cuts down on automobile use. I also eat lots of foods that have little packaging, such as fruits and vegetables."

Ryan Tully, Marion Road West

"We have a hybrid vehicle, low maintenance, bird friendly landscaping with native species that does not require much watering, and energy efficient utilities."

Vicki Bergman, Princeton Township Committee, Leabrook Lane

"I try to patronize downtown merchants, and reduce driving, which means less pollution. Adequate parking, however, remains a problem and any growth model should address this issue."

Jim Schwerin, Leabrook Lane

"Regarding the Department's lifestyle, we are trying to go as paperless as possible. We are cognizant of our cars' impact on the environment and are moving toward a more fuel efficient fleet that would be compatible with the need of our officers to meet emergency calls with the necessary equipment. Personally, my wife and I limit unnecessary trips and car pool when possible."

Mark Emann, Chief, Princeton Township Police Department

"We walk and bicycle as much as possible, and our only car is a hybrid."

Andrew Koontz, Princeton Borough Council, Spruce Street

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