Vol. LXII, No. 34
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues
Seeing my friends, because Ive not seen many of them all summer, and seeing my teachers, too. I also like my classes, and studying I like to do good. Isabella Pilla, Princeton |
Seeing my old friends and making new ones, and doing my very best to do better this year, gradewise. Eva Galasto, Princeton |
Im entering my senior year of high school, and am most looking forward to seeing what colleges I get into. Spending one more year with my friends before saying goodbye to them. Nile Knutsen, Princeton |
I go to camp in the summer, so I dont see all my friends for seven weeks. Going back to school lets me say hi to everyone, and gives me more of a schedule. Sarah Gavis-Hughson, Princeton |
Michael: Transitioning from middle school to high school and having my friends closer to town. Corrie: Seeing friends. Bill (Father): Having more free time during the day. (from left) Corrie, Abby, and Michael Gray. with Bill, Princeton |