Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXII, No. 34
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“What are you most looking forward to as you go back to school?”


“Seeing my friends, because I’ve not seen many of them all summer, and seeing my teachers, too. I also like my classes, and studying — I like to do good.”

Isabella Pilla, Princeton

“Seeing my old friends and making new ones, and doing my very best to do better this year, gradewise.”

Eva Galasto, Princeton

“I’m entering my senior year of high school, and am most looking forward to seeing what colleges I get into. Spending one more year with my friends before saying goodbye to them.”

Nile Knutsen, Princeton


“I go to camp in the summer, so I don’t see all my friends for seven weeks. Going back to school lets me say hi to everyone, and gives me more of a schedule.”

Sarah Gavis-Hughson, Princeton

Michael: “Transitioning from middle school to high school and having my friends closer to town.” Corrie: “Seeing friends.” Bill (Father): “Having more free time during the day.”

(from left) Corrie, Abby, and Michael Gray. with Bill, Princeton


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