Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIV, No. 52
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“Looking back over 2010, what are some of the positive and negative issues that affected the Princeton community?”


Ken: “The best part is just living in this town with the library, the Arts Council and Palmer Square. It’s a joy every season of the year.” Jere: “The tax reassessment got everyone really upset; it really tore the community apart this year.”

Ken Kowalski (left) and Jere Tannenbaum, Princeton

“The economy took a big toll on many of our non-profits, such as the PYA after-school program for kids.”

Clayton Marsh, Princeton

“Liz Lempert and Lance Liverman being elected to Township Committee. Cuts to the school budget is negative for the Princeton Regional Schools.”

Maggie Rose, Princeton


Alexander: “I think the Princeton community has it much better than most other parts of New Jersey.” Daniel: “My baby brother, Stephen (asleep in baby carriage), is very little, he is new, he is 10 days old!” (Family agreed — a positive to the community.) Alexandra: “The Dinky is an important issue to Princeton and I hope it stays. A negative issue has been the effect of the recession on the community. I hope business will be better. I know people with businesses that have been struggling this year.”

Alexander Baytin, Daniel Baytin (middle), and Alexandra Ulyanova, Princeton

“Lahiere’s closing is a disappointment; it was a Princeton landmark. I come to Princeton to get culture; we don’t have much in Flemington.”

Bob Seeley, Flemington

“Public transportation. The transit conversation is positive and negative, but I feel it’s important to have community debate and discussion on the topic.”

Tim Kovacs, Princeton


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