Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXV, No. 5
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Other News

Snow Woes Plague Borough and Township as Season’s Precipitation Poses Challenges

Dilshanie Perera

This winter, the Township Public Works Department has used over 1,200 tons of salt to keep the roads free of ice, and that’s not even including last Wednesday’s snowstorm, which saw 17 inches of precipitation. In the aftermath of the storm, the Borough’s Public Works Department was hauling approximately 100 truckloads of snow per day to the River Road facility to clear the downtown and surrounds.

“Flat Funding” May Be Best Case Scenario as District Awaits State Funding Formula

Ellen Gilbert

At its monthly meeting last week, Board of Education President Rebecca Cox and Finance Committee Chair Charles Kalmbach said that a recent public brainstorming session about budget concerns was very worthwhile. Superintendent Judy Wilson reported that the district would not know how much state funding it will receive until “a day or two” after the governor announces changes in the state funding formula late in February. The best case scenario, she suggested, may be flat funding.

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