Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIII, No. 5
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“What do you think about the Postmaster General’s recent suggestion that mail delivery may have to be cut from six days to five due to the economic situation?”


“My ultimate concern would be the overall economic impact it would have on all of the American society not just on mail delivery but on everybody.”

George Jamison, Princeton

“We should not cut mail; it is an essential service; we should get six days of mail. We have Sundays off which is okay. Newspapers are delivered seven days a week. Mail delivery is a necessary service; we should stick to what we have.”

Mohammad Nishtar, Princeton

“I think it’s more of the same; we’ve heard about cut backs and the state of the economy. We need to stand firm on these issues. We should avoid cutting back a day and stay with six days a week as long as we can.”

Stacy Carney, Princeton


“Definitely we need six days and even Sundays because sometimes we cannot do on weekdays what we can do on weekends.”

Carmelino Santizo, Princeton

“It doesn’t make a difference if we cut one day; people can wait one more day.”

Natalia Rodrigues, Princeton


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