Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIV, No. 4
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“What are your thoughts on a Republican winning the special election in Massachusetts to fill Senator Kennedy’s Senate seat and how do you think it will affect the healthcare bill?”


“The victory in Massachusetts, especially given how heavily Democratic it is, not only is it surprising, it is a sign of things to come for the Democrats. And, I think it seriously jeopardizes healthcare reform.”

Peter Juhn, Princeton

“Personally, I am not happy and I think that the healthcare reform bill has been adversely affected.”

Fred Basch, visiting from New York

Brigitte: “It shows how fickle the United States people are. The minute something isn’t going their way they switch. Obama was the hero but as soon as he can’t get things done right away, they switch and go in another direction. The healthcare bill has been affected and it needed to be slowed down and looked at more carefully. It is not a bad thing that it has been held up.”

Steven and Brigitte Kershner with dog Mocha, Skillman


“My opinion is people really only voted for Teddy Kennedy because he was a famous politician. There are probably more Republicans in Massachusetts anyway.”

Sean Eade, Princeton with dog Maggie

“I’m a lifelong Democrat but I’m not upset that a Republican was elected. He has great appeal to women. I don’t know anything about his background but he seems very charming. I don’t know what the vote means really but I am not sad that he was elected.”

Nora Matlin, Princeton Junction


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