Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIII, No. 45
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“What are your thoughts about Chris Christie being elected the first Republican governor of New Jersey in 12 years?”


“I’m very happy about the election. I’m excited to see a change. I hope he comes in and really cuts spending and does not raise taxes.”

Jim Cosgrove, Princeton

“I would say it’s not a good turn for the state; he rode in on the same anti-incumbent wave that Barack Obama came into office on and I don’t believe he is going to be a very popular governor.”

— Chris Sherer, New Brunswick

“Understandable, given all the economic downturns.”

— Melanie Benkin, Princeton


“We are both very surprised that he was elected governor.”

Marni Kleinfield-Hayes and Rachel Levison, Belle Mead

“It seems that a lot of problems we’re dealing with now happened the last time we had a Republican in office. The people have spoken and that is the way it works and we will see what happens. I am disappointed.”

Andrew Gensey, Princeton

“The margin was not that big; they didn’t have enough voters come out and vote. The things that he’s standing for and not standing for can be a big issue, especially interrupting and not standing for student financial aid.”

Benjamin Smith, Philadelphia, Pa


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